Title: Swedish Coffee Cake
Category: Breakfast
Coffee Cake:
1. Heat oven to 350deg F.
2. Cut 1/2 cup softened butter into 1 cup flour.
3. Sprinkle 2 T of water over mixture, and mix with fork.
4. Round into a ball, and divide in half.
5. Pat out each half on an ungreased baking sheet. Each should be a 12" x 3" strip. Place 3" apart.
6. In a medium saucepan, heat 1/2 cup butter and 1 cup water to a rolling boil.
7. Remove from heat and quickly stir in vanilla and 1 cup flour.
8. Stir vigorously until the mixture forms a ball.
9. Beat eggs in all at once. (Easier if eggs are slightly mixed before adding.)
10. Mix until smooth.
11. Spread half of mixture onto each strip, covering the strips completely.
12. Bake for 60 min or until top is crisp and brown.
13. Cool.
1. Mix together all ingredients. (If frosting is too stiff, add a few drops of hot water.)
2. Spread on cooled cakes.
3. If desired, sprinkle with cheeries and chopped nuts.